Saturday, September 19, 2020

I Am So About To Blow A Gasket

 Dear reader, greetings.

I haven't posted anything recently because I've been, as the expression goes, in a "bad place". I have a new neighbor across the hallway from me who is a complete so-and-so. I need to talk to the head of Residential Housing about him.

Among other things, there was Monday, when he woke me up three times in one hour by slamming his door loudly. And then, there is the fact that he has been using his cell phone to either record, live stream, or do both of all activity in the hallway. 

And this building is getting to me. I've spent almost six and a half years between my two stays. I am so tired of being crammed into this little s**thole of a room. Tonight, I came up from the kitchen with a freshly prepared meal of pulled pork, green beans and salt potatoes. The green beans and the salt potatoes I cooked myself. When I was putting everything on my television tray, I lost my balance when I turned to reach for something.

I knocked the tray over. One serving of potatoes went all over the floor I had cleaned less than an hour earlier. Butter went all over my blue jeans. I cleaned the mess up, mopped the floor, and quickly threw together a small load of laundry that included the jeans.

Down to the laundry room, I went. Where one of the washing machines is malfunctioning for what must now be the fifth or sixth time. Of course, this was the machine I put my clothes in. I lost one dollar and had to move everything to another machine (the first one isn't spinning the clothes properly, so everything was soaking wet).

Coming back up to the fourth floor, I then went down to the kitchen to reheat the green beans and the second serving of potatoes. Of course, Mister Moron across the hallway had his cell phone on the floor, watching everything.

There are so many things wrong in this building that upper management just flat out doesn't care about. It really is getting to me. Of course, here in my area, a lot of what used to be clean and affordable housing has been converted to student housing, complete with jacked up rents that working people just can't afford. 

The last time I looked on Craigslist, I saw six, count them, six buildings that used to be affordable. One of them I actually lived in, several years ago. The rent then was $300 a month for a decent sized apartment. The current owner is now asking $750 a month and rents to students.

The good news, if there is any, is that four months from now, I will turn 55 years old and several buildings that are for seniors only will become viable options. These are all owned by local municipalities and various non-profit agencies. 

I just have to hang in there a little longer.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Tell Me This Isn't A Dictator

When Donald Trump was elected President of the United States of America, I and a lot of other people predicted that he would become a dictator. If you can honestly disagree with me when I say that has happened, so be it.

Setting aside everything he's done already, these are three things that he has done just in the last five days.

He has had his campaign sue the Governor of Montana to stop counties in that state to allow voting by mail.

He has openly encouraged voters in North Carolina to illegally vote twice (by mail and then again, in person) to prove or disprove that the mail in procedures function properly.

He has ordered that "Stars And Stripes",  a military newspaper that has published continuously for almost 159 years, be shut down completely by September 15th.

For the record, that's two attacks on free and fair elections along with one attack on a free press.