Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Times We Live In (Part 2)

So, this is a quick update on things. The relief bill that should be passed soon by Congress is still not perfect, by any means. But in its final form, it's much better than it was initially. Stimulus checks are set at $1200 per individual and $2400 per married couple with $500 more for every child under the age of 17 living at home. Individuals whose 2019 income was $75,000 or less will qualify for payments.

The $500 billion fund that the Treasury Department will set up will have Congressional oversight. It was initially proposed that the department be allowed to do as it wished with those funds, while
not releasing any information on how money was to be spent for six months.

A flat increase of $600 per week to last four months and 13 weeks of extended unemployment insurance is also part of the final bill. This is just amazing and I'm so glad that Senator Schumer of New York fought so hard for this. I've already phoned his office and left a message thanking him as one of his constituents that will be helped immensely by this.

It's not perfect, as I say. But it's a good start.

As always, dear reader, wishing you the best.

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