Thursday, August 27, 2020

This Has So Not Been A Good Week

It's been a bad week for me thus far. I was sick with something from Monday afternoon until early this morning. I had an upset stomach with chills and a mild fever so I spent a lot of time in bed sleeping. At one point I spent nineteen straight hours in bed.

This morning I started to feel normal, for which I'm grateful.

Of course, things have gotten even worse on a national basis. The unjustified shooting of Jacob Blake in front of his three sons, a shooting that may leave him paralyzed for life, set off a fresh wave of protests.

At which point, a white seventeen year old male named Kyle Rittenhouse drove across a state line, and wound up shooting three protesters. Two were shot fatally and the third survived. Rittenhouse then attempted to surrender to the Kenosha police officers that were present.

While rushing to investigate, those officers allowed Rittenhouse to leave the scene. He drove twenty miles back to his home. He was arrested by local police the next day on charges of first degree manslaughter.

Rittenhouse, of course, is a Donald Trump supporter, one who attended a Trump rally in January of this year. And to no one's surprise, his actions are being defended and praised by right wing figures such as Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson.

In response to all this, the Milwaukee Bucks chose to not play their playoff game last night. The other scheduled games were postponed as well. The remainder of the NBA season may be cancelled outright, with no champion crowned or declared. The Milwaukee Brewers baseball team also chose to not play their scheduled game, in protest of the Blake shooting.

The athletes in question may come in for a lot of criticism but I support them 100%. To act as things are perfectly fine, perfectly normal, when they are not, is foolish at best and dangerous at worst.

To take a public stand in defense of ones beliefs is admirable and courageous.

This year has been anything but fine, or normal. It's one thing after another. COVID-19, and economic collapse, and the rapid dismantling of the United States Postal Service, and brutal attacks on innocent civilians and brutal attacks on peaceful protesters, and my god will it ever stop?

If we somehow reelect Donald Trump, it's going to be game over for America. We can not hope to survive four more years of what he's done to us.

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