Thursday, December 10, 2020

Here's Where Things Stand

 I'm back.

I have gone back and forth more times than I care to think about as regards the future of this blog. My readership is nowhere near what it once was, but those of you still with me deserve to at least know what's going on.

I've been going through a rough patch in life (but then again, who hasn't?) and the end is nowhere in sight. If you're even half way decently informed, then you probably know just as well as I do how bad the Covid-19 situation has become here in the United States of America.

If you haven't suffered at all, then all I can say is "wow". Because everyone I know has suffered. My mother, who loves to socialize at her local senior center, hasn't gone there in a long time. My brother, who is at high risk, as am I and as is our mother, are on edge. 

I go out only when I absolutely have to. Most days, I either don't go anywhere at all, or I go just one block up to the convenience store. I've walked two blocks to the heart of downtown Binghamton once in the last fourteen days, and I've gone to Wal-Mart for groceries just three times in the last six weeks.

I've been through this kind of isolation more than once before in my life, so I'm better equipped to handle it than most of us are. But that doesn't make it easy, it just makes it tolerable.

This is the first post of at least two posts I'll be putting up today. The next one is in draft status, and I'll be finishing it in a little while.

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