Sunday, October 15, 2017

Recent Events

I have gone almost two weeks without posting anything new here. The reason for that is simple. I'm increasingly fearful for this country. I try to keep politics out of this space but I just can't resist the need to say some things here and now. If you stop reading right here, that's fine with me, but I'm asking you to read all of this post.

Donald Trump is a fascist dictator who, being unable to get any significant legislation passed, relies on executive orders. Mike Pence is a theocratic disaster waiting to happen. We're dangerously close to losing our republic to either a theocratic regime or a military takeover.  I'm a survivor, and I can probably get through whatever happens. But far too many of us are simply not going to make it through to the other side, if things go bad.

Far too many of us are wrapped up in our own selves, to the point of ignorance, indifference or both.  We need to get our f***king heads out of the sand. We need to put down our smart phones. We're in for a full four years of Trump, I believe. Eight, if he somehow manages to get reelected. God only knows what shape we'll be in by then. The powers-that-be are hell-bent on waging war. The right-wing government of Israel would love to see us eliminate Iran for them. North Korea is a bear we keep poking.

Is this a real downer of a post or what?

Yeah, it is. But whatever reach I have, however limited, has to be used as I see fit.

I'll cover some of what is going right and ways to resist in a day or two.

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