This first set of numbers are from the CDC, and are therefore considered to be official.
As of May 6, 2020, total cases of Covid-19 in the USA number 1,171,510 and deaths
number 68,279.
There are varying estimates on deaths per day. I haven't been able to find anything official, other
than the CDC report of 823 deaths yesterday. Of course, an internal and unpublished report
from within the White House predicts that daily deaths could average 3000 by August.
That assumes that all states will be fully reopened, which, sad to say, is pretty realistic at this point.
Three thousand deaths per day? That's a horrifying thought to any sane and rational person.
If you can honestly and openly admit to being comfortable with that, shame on you.
I am in something of a unique position, I must admit.
I have no close friends with whom I socialize. The last time I did anything with a friend was over two years ago and that person I am not in contact with. My dad is dead, my brother lives several hundred miles away, my cousins don't speak to me at all, and so, that just leaves my mom. I broke up with my most recent girlfriend about three years ago, as well.
In other words, I'm quite used to being alone. And most weeks, before all of this started, I usually went out just once a week, in terms of going any farther than one mile away on foot.
Staying at home and not being around others, other than going to work, is something I'm used to.
In other words, I'm having a much easier time of things than most of us are. My bills are all paid for this month and I have almost two weeks worth of food on hand.
But I'm also terrified, because my age and health issues place me at high risk. I wear a protective
face mask anytime I leave my room. I sanitize the living daylights out of everything. Still, it's anything but a sure thing that I'll come through this safely.
And even if I remain safe, far too many of us are dying, with far too many government officials
not caring at all.
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