Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Someone Died While Doing His Job

This is what things have come to.

Forty-three year old Calvin Munerlyn, working as a security guard in a Family Dollar store in Michigan, is dead because he got into an argument with a customer.

He told her she had to leave the store because she was not wearing a face mask, in defiance of a state issued order.

The customer was the daughter of Sharmel  Lash Teague, age forty-five. Teague became involved in a verbal altercation with Munerlyn, who ordered her to leave the store.

She left the store in a sport utility vehicle but returned twenty minutes later. Her son, Ramonyea Travon Bishop, age twenty-three, and her husband Larry Edward Teague, age forty-four, entered the store. Teague then began yelling about his wife having been disrespected.

It was at that point that Bishop allegedly shot and killed Munerlyn.

All three have been charged with first-degree premeditated murder.

In accordance with our legal system, all three are presumed innocent until proven guilty. That is as it should be.

But the fact remains, either way, that Calvin Munerlyn is dead.

Yet another senseless Covid-19 related tragedy in a nation filled with them.

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