In the Northern Hemisphere, spring began on March 19th of this year. But this spring, just as two years ago, has been harsh here in the Binghamton, NY area. We've seen most days have daytime high temperatures anywhere from ten to thirty degrees below normal. We have had a few truly nice days, but they've been few and far in between.
Right now, it's snowing here in Binghamton. When I left my building to go to Wal-Mart, at 5 in the afternoon, it was fifty degrees and raining. It's now thirty degrees with a predicted overnight low of twenty-six and a predicted high of just thirty-eight degrees tomorrow.
The temperature dropped twenty degrees in just a little over two hours. I was looking forward
to having a nice chef salad for dinner today but now, it's going to be soup and a sandwich. There
have been days I've used my air conditioner but right now I have my portable ceramic heater running.
This is just so damned depressing. I mean, it's not like we don't have enough to deal with already.
Wishing you the best, dear reader.
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